
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

6 months behind... & a BIG paint job

How sad is this.  I haven't posted anything to the blog in SIX MONTHS.

I'm sure at this point we have ZERO readers because you have come to expect nothing from us!! :)

Well, we have over the last 6 months had a lot going on that could have (and probably should have been) blogged about.  I'm hoping now that it's summer I can go back and retroactively post about some of the things that have happened at the Jacobus house.

For now, I'll leave you with this....
In case you're wondering what it looks like to live in a house that is being completely painted all at the same time.

Everything in the center of the room, kids piled in our bedroom since the oil-based trim paint smell upstairs is too much.

 VERY close quarters in the living room.  Sadly, our kids have adjusted to this set up very easily and "love the TV being so close"

Bare walls everywhere!
And do you wonder where everything is?  Piled into the few rooms NOT being touched....

The thing I am most looking forward to after this is all done is the purging of things I've held on to just because they filled the space before but I didn't really like.  This job just got a little more expensive.  I anticipate a trip to Marshalls in my future.

Happy Wednesday to you!! Check back soon (I hope!!) to see how things are progressing around here.
