As always, I have huge aspirations and gain tons of inspirations around the web, but time got the best of me and a lot of what I did was very last minute. Maybe I should start planning for our twins 4th birthday now (it's in February!! :)). But, humor me as I show you how it turned out.
I made these cupcake toppers to go on the homemade cupcakes. I had a slight problem with my measurements - but like I said - time got the best of me so I just went with it instead of fixing them.
I saw an idea on Pinterest of a birthday mantle and knew it was perfect for this party since I had so many framed pictures of Brooke (remember she was our first! ha).
These greeted guests at the front door.
Homemade cupcakes...every bit of this was her choosing. The 5 candle, the type of cupcakes and the colors of the icing.
I want to kick myself for not taking a photo of the party favors all lined up for the guests. URGH...literally I could kick myself! But, I got these totes from the Dollar Spot at Target and filled them with ice pops, goldfish, bubble wands, popcorn, pixie sticks and flip flop shaped suckers I got at Dollar Tree. Each tag had the last name of the family who would receive the bag.
I made this wreath out of drink umbrellas and thought it was a cute addition to the fireplace area where all the gifts were left.
We had tiki torches all along the pool area (however the party was late afternoon and were never lit). I guess now we can have the island feel for a little while longer so we can use up the oil inside.
Our backyard has this great cabana area that we figured was cliche enough for the luau themed party so we just dressed it up with hanging lights and luau skirt decoration. What party is complete without a pinata? We found this cute flip flop online and the kids had a blast beating it up.