Soon we will be putting our two girls in one room and our son will have his own. This creates a problem when it comes to beds. Our matching beds are more "boyish" and our single bed is more "girlish"... see the issue here? SO, I showed by hubby the plans on Ana's website for the Farmhouse Twin bed and convinced him that we could do it! To my surprise he said, "sure, let's start tomorrow". So, Saturday afternoon we gathered all our materials (which included a new/used Mitre saw he's been wanting) and got to work. Our goal was to finish the headboard... check!
Later that weekend, we got to work on the footboard.
I'm so excited! I am so proud of us. I can't believe we actually BUILT A BED!! Of course it's not perfect. And I'm still not technically finished. I will need to go back and fill in all the nail and screw holes, sand, prime and paint it. Then we will decide whether to use a bed frame or build the rails like Ana's plan shows.
The wood material cost us just under $50. We had to buy some nails, screws, wood filler, and glue so that brought our total to around $80. Those things will be used for the next project (which I've already got brewing in my mind!!).
The footboard
And so you can sort of see how it will be layed out (and the nastiness that is my garage!!)
We hope you had a blessed Easter.
“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!" Luke 24:5b,6a

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Making the World Cuter