Have one of these!!!

This past weekend my hubby and I had a garage sale (with the help of my mom!). I had been collecting stuff in our garage that we just didn't need anymore... kids clothes, toys, shoes, house decorations...you name it & it was there! I planned on taking pictures of all my loot...but if you have done a garage sale you know how EARLY you rise and my brain just didn't think in regards to the blog...and I had a feeling my mom & husband would have thought I was craaazy. :)
Here are my tips for a succesful garage sale...
1. Advertise in your local paper.
2. Place an ad on Craiglist & place signs around your neighborhood.
3. Sort your items into like categories and label if possible. For example: I went through all the kids clothes and sorted by size...then placed into tubs with labels showing 18-24 mo (GIRLS).
4. Do bulk pricing for clothes. Instead of having a set price for clothes (which you know someone will balk at anyway) tell your customers to bring you a stack and then you'll tell them a price for it all.
5. Be PREPARED for mayhem! Inevitably you'll get a couple of ladies who will bring you a TON of stuff (in my case TWO tubs full of clothes) and want a price for it all.
6. Be WATCHFUL -- in the case of the above scenario watch for people who will add to their pile after you've quoted them a price.
7. Get out EARLY!! Be prepared for people to be stopping by 30 minutes before you're really opening up for sale.
8. Whatever doesn't sell have Goodwill, Salvation Army, Habitat, Sand Dollar, etc. come pick up or drop it off yourself. Don't be tempted to keep it for the 'next' garage sale!
Get after it!! Make some $$$$.
Anyone have any other great tips for hosting a garage sale? Please share...I have a feeling this may be a yearly thing for us.